
"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time." ~ John Muir

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Annette Turner Photography: Warm and Fuzzy Summer Contest

Annette Turner Photography: Warm and Fuzzy Summer Contest: "I am feeling all warm and fuzzy inside and am beyond grateful for all who support me in my business. So to show you how much I appreciate ..."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Warm and Fuzzy Summer Contest ~ Reminder

Hello All!  。◕‿◕。 Just a reminder... my 'Warm and Fuzzy Summer Contest' starts this upcoming Monday, May 30th.  Smiles and hugs to all! 

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Warm and Fuzzy Summer Contest

I am feeling all warm and fuzzy inside and am beyond grateful for all who support me in my business.  So to show you how much I appreciate your support, I've decided to have a contest!  Starting next, Monday, May 30th you can enter to win a free photo session and fully edited CD. Yep, you heard it right, FULLY EDITED CD!  Who doesn't want fabulous pictures right?
Here's how to enter:  Please visit my Facebook business page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1329867630#!/pages/Annette-Turner-Photography/140246906025836 and become a fan.  Then simply make a comment on my fan page wall.  Already a fan and want to enter?  No worries, I have you covered... just make a comment on my fan page wall.  Then, visit daily, to make a comment and increase your chances of winning. Easy enough? We can all click and type can't we?

Please spread the word to ALL of your Facebook friends to come and support me by becoming a fan!  All 'love' is very much appreciated!   

Contest rules: Contest runs from 12:00 am May 30th - June 30th, 11:59 pm.  Winner will be selected by random drawing. No more than one entry per fan within a twenty-four-hour period.  Entrants must live within 50 miles of the Centerville, UT (sorry no flying out of state unless of course you want to pay for me to fly out to you ;o).  Session can include up to eight people.  CD will contain 20 images, best of session fully edited.  All images sized to 8x10, larger images can be purchased through me. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Yesterday I had a wonderful time taking pictures of my beautiful niece Kierra.  It is bittersweet to see her all grown up and graduating high school.  She was barely walking when my husband and I were married almost seventeen years ago.  Now here she is eighteen and almost finished with her senior year of high school!  My how time flies!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending time with two very amazing teenagers!  Not only did I get to take pictures of a very lovely young lady but I was able to spend time with my incredibely sweet nephew who was a HUGE help during the shoot.  We went out to Wheeler Farm and had a terrific time!  Here is a sneak peek of some of the pics.