
"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time." ~ John Muir

Photoshoot Tips

Your Look

Wear something you feel comfortable in.  Solid colors look best.  Be mindful of clothing that is too light as they have a tendency to make you look pale in your photos.  Be careful not to overdo accessories as you do not want them to take away from YOU.  Accessories should add to your portrait.  Most of all, be yourself.  If you want pictures with your favorite cowboy hat, shoes, etc, by all means, bring them along.  Personality portraits are about who you really are!

Please come ready to spend an appropriate amount of time to get your best photos.  If you plan on multiple outfits, please allow ample time to change and touch up 'your look'.  If you've hired a makeup artist or hair stylist please make sure they are given the time they need.

Be aware of your surroundings when selecting outfits and choosing colors.  Make time to find a 'safe' location to change if we are shooting in high traffic areas or bring clothing articles that can be worn over other outfits but be careful not to layer too much to stay looking your best!

Be prepared!!  Check the weather forecast the night before your shoot and again before heading out to your selected location(s).  Bring appropriate clothing (i.e. jackets, sweaters, etc) to ensure your comfort while waiting in between shooting times.


Come to your shoot well rested (beauty needs sleep).  Drink plenty of water each and every day but especially the week of your photo shoot as hydration breeds beautiful skin (be mindful not to drink too many fluids the day of your shoot however)!!  Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, trust me your skin will thank you and you'll look fabulous in your pictures!  Take a look at pictures you enjoy to help you achieve the look you want.  Study them and bring them along if you choose.  Try on your outfits and accessories prior to your photo session.  Practice your desired look in a mirror (trust me, this works :)! 

Day Of:

If you are your own hair dresser and makeup artist, please bring all supplies needed for touch up.  Eat well but don't overdo it.  Please arrive on time. :)  Make sure nails are fresh and match your outfits (again be careful that your nails don't outshine you)! 

Relax and allow your personality to come out!  Most of all, come ready to have fun!