
"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time." ~ John Muir

About Me

I have truly been blessed beyond measure! I am wife to the most amazing and supportive man who is truly my soul mate and mother to our two very smart, beautiful, and talented girls! I love my family more than life and cherish each and every moment I am able to spend with them. Having dealt with death and serious illness of loved ones has brought me to the realization that all beginnings have endings and that each moment we spend with one another is truly a gift.

Throughout my life I have been drawn to all areas of art.  Drawing, martial arts, singing, dancing, painting,  and of course photography.  Ever since I was a very small child beauty has captivated me.  I'm not talking about societies image of beauty as portrayed on magazine covers and the like, I'm speaking of true beauty.  The perfection in the imperfections of everything and everyone that surround us.  There is so much beauty in the miracle of life and I believe that everyone and everything is beautiful!  Life is meant to be experienced, captured and shared with others.

I am passionate about photography and seek to capture my clients personalities and allure.  I believe that photographs should capture the spirit as well as the outer beauty of the subject!  I love people and enjoy connecting with them during our time together.  So often in life we walk around absorbed by our own burdens that we neglect to see the beauty that envelops us.  My goal is to capture and share this beauty with others.  To me, memories are sacred and I am honored to capture these memories for other families and give them gifts to treasure for a lifetime. I encounter beauty each and every day, in the people I meet and in the world that surrounds me. I truly love photography and feel so very blessed to be able to share my love of this captivating art with the world.