
"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time." ~ John Muir

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Stress and the Ability to Overcome

A few days ago I wrote about the trials of life and the stress that my family and I have been experiencing over the past few weeks.  It is simply draining and, in a way, horrifying to wait and not be 'in the know'.  We received a call this past Friday from Troy's Oncologist stating that they do want him to have another PET CT scan which is scheduled for July 14th.  I must say that waiting and not knowing has to be the most difficult part of any medical issue.  Some days it seems as if we're 'pulling it off', not showing the stress and anguish we feel over the trials our lives are serving up and well, other days we are completely absorbed by our thoughts and emotions, fighting the darkness that threatens to pull us down with it.  I know for me the stress and thoughts of what might come haunt me.  I really do try to be strong and offer these thoughts and feelings up for relief but sometimes the pain nags at me so much I need to release it.  This is when the pain within my heart pulls so much that an enormous lump develops within my throat and God's cleansing love begins to roll down my face as an artists paint drips from the canvas.  So many special people in my life have been taunted by this horrifying disease.  Either themselves or their loved ones battling this crippling monster!  Some of them being blessed enough to overcome this disease while others have succumbed and passed on.  There are so many difficulties that arise from having cancer hit so close to home.  We were in a position in our lives where we had become comfortable with the thought of being freed from the struggles of this illness!  I have now come to realize that we are never truly free.  Those of us that have had cancer hit so close to home feel the pain and pull of this horrific disease every day of our lives.  It becomes an obsession!  To beat it, to cure it, to honor those who have fought so valiantly to rid their bodies of the cancer that threatens to consume them.

My prayer is that someday a cure can be found!  That all who suffer, have suffered, or will ever suffer the pains of this deadly disease will experience true healing and peace.

And, after reading all I wrote I realize that the content has nothing to do with the title... LOL oh well!

Until next time...♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Glad you are blogging, I think it is a good thing for you to express how you are feeling. I am sad to hear all this "waiting" and the anguish it could be causing. Take care my friend....

  2. Thank you so much my sweet friend! I have to get it out somehow. Otherwise it gets locked up inside and festers and at least this way I can feel like others are walking this journey with me! Hugs dear friend!
