
"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time." ~ John Muir

Monday, January 14, 2013

Snow Fun With My Angels

If you know anything about Utah you know that our winters here can be a bit crazy.  Well this past weekend served up a nice dish of crazy for us yet once again!  On Friday it dumped literally no less than two feet where we live, TWO FEET!  It took us over three hours to dig out of our driveway.  Serious back-breaking snow!  And to top it all off, a bitter cold front moved in and dropped temperatures dramatically!  A major winter storm and arctic temperatures leave a lot to be desired for us adults however children with their sense of wonder bring beauty back to any winter wonderland.  My daughters were out sledding in the snow for over two hours!  They were in heaven!  Of course one of our family dogs was out enjoying it just as much (the other isn't as fond of the snow)!

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